Boosting Blue Bioeconomy | UCV

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Congresos y jornadas 2018

Boosting Blue Bioeconomy

Challenges and Business Opportunities in Blue Biotechnology

Program / Programa

Simultaneous translation will be available / Traducción simultánea disponible

Thursday 3rd May / Jueves, 3 de mayo

9:00-9:30 Welcome and registration / Bienvenida y acreditaciones

9:30-10:15 Institutional presentation / Presentación institucional

  • Asunción GANDÍA, President, Universidad Católica de Valencia
  • Rogelio LLANES, General Director for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries at Generalitat Valenciana.

10:15-11:30 European Initiatives to Develop Blue Bioeconomy and Blue Biotechnology / Iniciativas europeas para el desarrollo de una Bioeconomía y Biotecnología Azul

  • Maris STULGIS, Policy Officer at DG MARE, European Commission - The European Commission’s work on blue careers
  • Elise WATTRELOT, Policy Analyst at the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) –Role of regions in the development of Blue Biotechnology and state of the art in the Atlantic Regions.
  • Pierre ERWES, Executive Chairman of BioMarine – Blue growth: a true blue potential.

11.30-12.00: Coffee break

12:00-13:30 Flagship companies involved in Blue Biotechnology in Spain / Grandes empresas implicadas en Biotecnología Azul en España

  • Roberto ANDRÉS, R&D Projects Management at ENDESA (Madrid, Spain)
  • Fernando DE LA CALLE, Head of Microbiology R&D Department at PHARMAMAR (Madrid, Spain)

13.30-15.00: Networking lunch

15:00-16:15 Round table: Current Challenges and Business Opportunities in Blue Biotechnology / Mesa redonda: Retos y oportunidades de negocio en Biotecnología Azul

  • José Rubén TORMO, Associate Area Head & Collection Manager at FUNDACIÓN MEDINA, Research Center for Innovative Medicines (Granada, Spain)
  • Juan Ramón RODRÍGUEZ, Innovation Consultant for Blue Economy at BIOASIS Gran Canaria, Blue Biotechnology and Aquaculture platform (Canarias, Spain)
  • Ana TORREJÓN, Biotechnology Project Manager at AINIA Food Technological Center (Valencia, Spain)
  • Rafael LÓPEZ, Head of Technology Transfer Department at PONS IP (Intellectual Property) (Madrid, Spain)

16.15-16.45: Coffee break

16:45-17:45 Blue Biotechnology Applications I: Challenges in algae biomass production / Aplicaciones de la Biotecnología Azul I: Retos en la producción de biomasa algal

  • Juan Luis GÓMEZ, Scientific Director and Responsible for the Cultivation and Biotechnology Unit at BANCO ESPAÑOL DE ALGAS (Canarias, Spain)
  • Manuel TÁRRAGA, Project Development Director at BUGGYPOWER (Portugal)
  • Luis GÓMEZ, Managing Director at GREEN SEA BIO SYSTEM ONE (Alicante, Spain)
  • Douglas McKENZIE, Founder and Managing Director at XANTHELLA (Scotland)

17:45-18:30 Blue Biotechnology Applications II: Algae applications on agri-food business / Aplicaciones de la Biotecnología Azul II: Industria agroalimentaria

  • Carlos LEDÓ, Founder & CEO at IDAI NATURE (Valencia, Spain)
  • Irina SUKHOTSKA, R&D Projects Management at BIOPOLIS - ADM (Valencia, Spain)
  • María ÁLVAREZ, Head of Technology Department at NEOALGAE (Asturias, Spain)

Friday 4th May / Viernes, 4 de mayo

9.30-11:00 Blue Biotechnology Applications III: Health and Biomedicine / Aplicaciones de la Biotecnología Azul III: Salud y biomedicina

  • Stéphanie BORDENAVE, Associate Professor and Director of the Biotechnology Master’s degree at UNIVERSITY OF LA ROCHELLE (France)
  • José Rubén TORMO, Associate Area Head & Collection Manager at FUNDACIÓN MEDINA, Research Center for Innovative Medicines (Granada, Spain)

11.00-11.30: Coffee break

11:30-12:30 Blue Biotechnology Applications IV: Challenges and Opportunities in Aquaculture / Aplicaciones de la Biotecnología Azul IV: Retos y oportunidades en acuicultura

  • Andrew DESBOIS, Course Director of Marine Biotechnology MSc Program at UNIVERSITY OF STIRLING (Scotland, UK)
  • Julio POLAINA, Head of Laboratory of Enzyme Structure and Function at IATA-CSIC (Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos, Valencia, Spain)

12:30-13:00 Final round table: Which professional profiles are needed to boost Blue Biotechnology? / Mesa redonda final: ¿Qué perfiles profesionales se necesitan para impulsar la Biotecnología Azul?

  • Luis VERA, Institutional Relations at IDAI NATURE and member of BIOVAL, Valencian Bioregion for Biotechnology, Biomedicine and Bioeconomy
  • Sergio BARONA, General Secretary at FEDACOVA, Regional Association for Agri-Food Industries
  • Rodolfo BARRERA, President at AVEMPI, Regional Association for Aquaculture Companies
  • Roberto ANDRÉS, R&D Projects Management at ENDESA
  • José Rubén TORMO, Associate Area Head & Collection Manager at FUNDACIÓN MEDINA
  • Ana TORREJÓN, Biotechnology Project Manager at AINIA

13:30 Closure / Clausura


Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th May 2018

Venue of the meeting

Aula Maior - Facultad de Veterinaria y Ciencias Experimentales
Universidad Católica de Valencia
Calle Guillem de Castro, 94
46003 Valencia (See MAP)

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