
Citizen participation and environmental awareness regarding the oceans and the climate change.


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Description: The purpose of the AEIF-funded project #ActFor Change is to disseminate the U.S. government’s message on oceans and climate change via a series of activities like coastal cleanups, underwater cleanups, debris workshops, film screenings, debates, and an international webinar. This project will support PDS Spain's efforts of reaching out to new audiences regarding ocean preservation, blue economy and related issues via a new initiative for 2023 called “GoBlue!”. As a new initiative, PDS Spain is looking to make a media splash to mobilize the public in support of U.S. government’s goals. To comply with the general goal of sharing climate change communication taking a scientist's point of view, we do plan to raise awareness related to the environment and the social habits of global society and reduce plastic pollution in local areas and explain the impact on a global scale. Also, to show the potential of people with functional diversity in the field of marine conservation and climate change. The project is meant to reach out and raise awareness about what we can do as citizens in relation to climate change and plastic pollution, so at the end of the project we expect a more responsible society.


Developed between 01/09/2023 and 31/03/2024

Amount: 20,810.00 $.

Project granted by the US Embassy



«marzo de 2025»

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