Licitacion: CMAYOR/2021/07Y03/52

Scientific monitoring of the Marine Reserves of fishing interest of the Valencian Community: Marine reserve of fishing interest of the Sierra de Irta

Licitacion: CMAYOR/2021/07Y03/52

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Funding code: CMAYOR/2021/07Y03/52

Description: Marine Reserves of Fishing Interest (RRMMIP) such as the Sierra de Irta, serve as breeding grounds for different species of fish and invertebrates, favoring the maintenance of their populations. They also represent excellent natural laboratories for comparing the anthropic effects (pollution, harvesting, fishing...) inside and outside these protected areas, as well as the variation by natural or human-induced phenomena such as global warming on the populations of target species. Therefore, it is essential to have an annual and periodic monitoring of the RRMMIPs in the Valencian Community to check whether the objectives of protection are being achieved. The determination of the conservation status of habitats, flora and fauna is one of the key elements of the Natura 2000 Network. The Habitats Directive (HD) establishes the obligation to monitor the conservation status of certain species and/or habitats and to inform the European Commission of the progress made in this respect.

Developed between 09/2022 and 08/2024, 

Amount: 39.200 €.


«marzo de 2025»á.do.

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