Maritima - Islands of Mediterranean: European international project coordinated by the Group: Creation of a clear image of each island as a unique cultural and ecological system, to stimulate the conservation of cultural heritage and the development of contemporary art on the islands.


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Funding code: 101055734

Description: MARLANDS is a community of contemporary artists and researchers united to address cultural and ecological issues across the Mediterranean islands. This project aims to implement collaborations between arts and sciences to raise awareness across Europe about islands. Our goal is to create and implement specific methodologies of cooperation that offer concrete solutions to residents, wildlife, and ecosystems. It builds on the existing scientific and artistic projects by individuals and groups who have already been working in the region. 

MARLANDS aims to promote the healthy coexistence of Mediterranean culture with its natural environment. The Mediterranean islands are treasures that represent the basin’s natural diversity and are also the places with the most vulnerable ecosystems. Through art-science collaborations, we aim to activate and foster interest in the cultural sector on islands that have been threatened by their isolation from the continent, especially due to the Covid-19 pandemic and its consequences. We work to promote interdisciplinary, eco-friendly methods of art production through cooperation between artists, scientists, locals, and cultural institutions on our partner islands: Malta, Sicily, Mallorca, Cyprus, and Corsica.

Developed between 06/2022 and 10/2023

Amount: 192.382 €. 

The project Marlands was co-financed by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), under the powers delegated by the European Commission, as a Small-scale European cooperation. Name of the programme: CREA2027 CREA-CULT-2021-COOP European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) Code according to the funding entity: 101055734

Other entities/participants: Asociacion Cultural Art Made (ART MADE) (Spain); Cyprus University of Technology, Technologiko Panepistimio Kyprou (Cyprus); Fondazzjoni Centru Ghall-Kreattivita (Malta); Fundació Es Baluard, Muse.

Webpage: Marlands – Arts and Science projects on the Mediterranean islands (

Social media:,,


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