Press release on Camerino meeting

Camerino 12.05.2023

Press release on Camerino meeting

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The third face-to-face meeting of the Erasmus + project TranSuMan - Advanced training on sustainable management of pastoral systems, was held on May from 9th to 12th, 2023, in Camerino (Italy)

The consortium is formed by the University of Camerino (Italy), as coordinator, as well as three Partners: Catholic University of Valencia (Spain), University of Thessaly (Greece), and Babes Bolyai University (Romania).

This third face-to-face meeting served to develop the Joint Intensive Course on Grassland Management, in which 32 students from the four member universities of the consortium participated.

The main topics of discussion were Climate change and its impacts on grassland and livestock productivity, Biotic features of grassland: vegetation, but also about Grassland and livestock production and Sustainable use of grasslands.

Participating teachers and students were able to carry out practical field activities, analyzing a pastoral landscape and pasture conditions in the vicinity of the village of Arnano. Afterwards, the participants went to the interpretation center of the Monte Sibillini National Park. There they were able to learn about projects related to wildlife and its relationship with livestock farming. They were also able to meet with a local entrepreneur who had started a wool farm using the local breed of sheep. In the afternoon, they were able to perform a Body Condition Score evaluation at a local dairy sheep farm, as well as learn about the manufacturing process of the well-known local pecorino cheese.

The last day was mainly dedicated to a C-mapping exercise, applying to a case study the knowledge on sustainable grassland management.

The next meeting of the consortium will take place in Valencia in November 2023.


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