Filtration of microplastics according to the capture model in Mediterranean marine organisms.


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Description: The objective of the project is to investigate the feeding apparatus of certain Mediterranean marine species, such as the basking shark or devil ray, through physical and virtual simulations to understand the hydrodynamic mechanisms that provide the animals’ very high microplankton capture efficiency, and to try to replicate this system by applying it to the removal of micro plastics in wastewater. The aim is to develop and validate a new low-cost technology for the removal of microplastics in wastewater to reduce the impact on the receiving media, returning to the environment a water and sludge with guaranteed quality that allows its safe reuse. 

Developed between 06/05/2022 and 30/09/2024

Amount (UCV): 104.517,94 €, 

Total amount: 385.328,65€. 

REMOURE is a project co-funded by the Agència Valenciana de la Innovació (AVI) and by the European Union through the Programa Operativo FEDER de la Comunitat Valenciana 2021-2027

Other entities/participants: Global Omnium Medioambiente, SL (coordinador), Vielca Ingenieros SA, AIDIMME Instituto Tecnológico Metalmecánico, Mueble, Madera, Embalaje y Afines, Control de Vertido Industrial

Results obtained

The main result achieved has been the design of a filter for the removal of particles and microplastics in wastewater, capable of retaining particles smaller than its mesh size. Another complementary result has been the development and validation of a CFD calculation model based on the results of hydrodynamic tests. This model serves to predict the behavior of the fluid through the filter and can continue to be used in further developments following the same research line.


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