Teacher Training Workshop. Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

June 28 and 29, 2022

Teacher Training Workshop. Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

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The first face-to-face meeting of the Erasmus + project TranSuMan - Advanced training on sustainable management of pastoral systems, was held on June 28 and 29, 2022.

The consortium is formed by the University of Camerino (Italy), as coordinator, as well as three Partners: Catholic University of Valencia (Spain), University of Thessaly (Greece), and Babes Bolyai University (Romania).

This first meeting, held in the format of a Teacher Training Workshop, was held at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at the Babeș-Bolyai University, in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), with the participation of professors and students from the participating universities.

In addition to the working meetings to design the methodological guidelines and plan the dissemination of the project results, a working visit was made to the Apuseni Mountains, to learn first-hand about the pastoral systems and related economic chain.

Pastoral systems conservation is a major goal in EU policy since they represent biodiversity hot spots, cultural heritages, essential elements of European landscapes of high aesthetic value, and of high potential to sustain high-value farming. Their conservation can be achieved only by a high level of knowledge resulting from a multidisciplinary approach to the governance system. TranSuMan aims to increase the green skills of HE students and develop new training materials for sustainable management of pastoral systems. Different topics are considered such as

economic and environmental, with the aim of giving more job opportunities. The real-world training of students with local actors is the strong point of the proposal, not only to define management principles, but also to produce open educational contents to form new researchers and professionals.


«marzo de 2025»

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