International | UCV
Santoral: Anunciación del Señor
Santoral: Anunciación del Señor

Universidad Católica de Valencia

The International Relations Office encourages the internationalisation of the university by:

  • Promoting the participation of the university community in Exchange Programmes, such as Erasmus, Mundus, Sicue
  • Managing agreements and relations with more than 350 institutions from around 60 countries worldwide
  • Facilitating the integration of international students and staff
  • Managing the Study Abroad Programme
  • Supporting the academic and professional international experience of both Students and Staff
  • Fostering initiatives such as International Weeks,Summer Schools, the Buddy Programme
  • Promoting the participation of the UCV in International Networks, Associations, European Projects and other relevant initiatives

Erasmus Policy Statement


Una nueva forma de universidad que
emite títulos y diplomas europeos

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World Map

Conoce todos los lugares del mundo
en los que puedes estudiar con la UCV

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