Call for papers | UCV
Santoral: San Nicodemo
Santoral: San Nicodemo

Universidad Católica de Valencia

EBEN 32nd Annual Conference y XXVII Congreso EBEN España

The Enterprise at the service of Society in the 21st Century
La empresa al servicio de la sociedad

Call for papers

Call for papers - general


We seek contributions that discuss the role of enterprises and Public administrations as service to the society from different theoretical perspectives, research approaches and in different empirical contexts. Besides, we invite practitioners to present current cases of challenges as well as best practices of business life.

We invite contributions to this debate that deal, amongst others, with the following issues:


1. Ethical challenges in strategic management: new models and new realities in leadership
2. Social responsibility and people
3. Human Rights at the enterprise
4. Foundations of business ethics
5. Humanization factors at the enterprise: the meaning of work in the 4th Industrial Revolution
6. Antidotes against corruption
7. Reinvention and innovation
8. Public service and Administration
9. The legacy of Caritas in veritate
10. Experiences of teaching Business Ethics
11. Ethics and tourism, ethics and education
12. Ethics in accounting, finance and banking

EBEN members are kindly invited to submit contributions about any area of Business Ethics and special tracks proposals.

Abstract submission guidelines:

Send a Word file (.doc or .docx), format Times New Roman, 12, 1,5 line spacing, Spanish or English language (English preferred), with the following information:

  • Full name and institution of the autor
  • Title
  • Keywords (5)
  • Abstract: maximum 400 words.
  • Track to which wishes to contribute
  • Bibliographical eferences: optional
  • Brief (few lines) CV

Send the file to the following e-mail adress:

All authors are required to send a full paper with deadline 10th May, which will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and may be considered for a Special Issue of Business Ethics: A European Journal (see below for autor guidelines and further information)

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 10th April.

Guidelines for presentation of communications

Communications will be orally presented in 3-4 participants table. Communications will be 10 minutes long. Use of PowerPoint allowed.

Call for papers - Special Issue

Special issue in Business Ethics: a European Review 

Guest Editors (provisory): Doménec Melé (IESE), Ginés Marco (UCV), Pedro Francés (UGR). 

"The enterprise at the service of society in the 21st century"

Full papers submitted within the deadline of May 10th 2019 and presented at the Conference, may be considered for a Special Issue of Business Ethics: A European Journal.

Authors who may wish their papers to be considered will submit their full papers by May 1 to the following e-mail address:

The papers will be subject to review by the academic committee of the Conference. Authors of selected papers will be invited to prepare a definitive version for submission for the Special Issue. Invitation will not amount to an acceptation for publication. These submissions will be subject to the ordinary review process of the Journal, at which time they could be rejected if found of insufficient scientific quality.  

Author guidelines for full papers are found here:

Contributions concerning Ethics in finance (Track 12 and related contributions) may be considered for publication in a "Handbook of Ethics in finance" (coordinated by José Luis Retolaza, Leire San-José, Luc Vanliedekerke, ed. Springer). See CFP attached.

Call for papers – Doctoral Workshop

Doctoral students are invited to submit an application for the participation in the Doctoral Workshop to be held in conjunction with EBEN AC 2019.  During the Workshop, doctoral students will be invited to share their current dissertation work-in-progress with their peers and with an international panel of research mentors invited to take part in the Workshop.
Prof. Marjo Siltaoja, (University of Jyväskylä School of Business and Ecnomics; member of the EBEN Ex-Com) will coordinate the workshop. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 10th April 2019.

Key Dates

  • 10.04.2019: Deadline submission of abstracts
  • 20.04.2019: Notification of acceptance
  • 01.03.2019: Start registrations
  • 30.05 2019: Full paper submission
  • 27.05.2019: Deadline of Early Bird Registration
  • 05.06.2019: Registration deadline
  • 12.-14.06.2019: 32nd EBEN Annual Conference / XXVIII Congreso EBEN España


From June 11th to 14th


Salón de Actos, Universidad Católica de Valencia
Sede de Santa Úrsula
Calle de Guillem de Castro, 94
46001 València
