Tor Erik Heyerdahl Nyquist
Santoral: San Nicodemo
Santoral: San Nicodemo

Universidad Católica de Valencia

Tor Erik Heyerdahl Nyquist

Tor Erik Heyerdahl Nyquist

Tor Erik Heyerdahl Nyquist, 57 years old, lives and works at Beitostølen Healthsport Center. Currently, he is employed as the head of medical professional services and communication. Nyquist is an exercise physiologist specializing in adapted physical activity. He has worked for several years in the field of sports and activities for people with disabilities. Additionally, he holds a master's degree in value-based leadership. He is now also working on a PhD where the following overarching research question and aim will be investigated: How can nature-based activities be made equally accessible to everyone – through universal design and reasonable accommodations?