Communications | UCV
Santoral: San Nicodemo
Santoral: San Nicodemo

Universidad Católica de Valencia


Contributions will only be accepted if they are correctly adapted to the presentation indications; failure to use the indications will be cause for rejection. Subsequently, the evaluation will be carried out and the result will be communicated according to the scheduled date (see key dates). 

The following must appear in the submitted abstract: 

  • Authors and institution and e-mail of the corresponding author
  • Thematic area selected. 
  • Title, abstract of 400 words and keywords. 
  • Five sources of relevant bibliography used 

For the scientific work to be definitively accepted and published, it will be necessary to have formalized the registration in the Congress of all the authors. 

When the scientific committee accepts the communication, a pdf with the evaluation will be sent. The PDF must be uploaded on the registration platform. In the inscription you have to tick the box "Tengo derecho a un descuento", and choose in the dropdown the option of "asistencia con comunicación".

The communication may not have more than three authors, with a maximum of two contributions per author, i.e. an author can only appear in two contributions at the Congress. Appearing in more than two will be grounds for exclusion of that author. 

The papers accepted for the Workshop may be selected to be published as book chapters in a collective book by a prestigious publisher (SPI índex). Selected contributions will be previously adapted by the authors to comply with the editorial norms. 

Presentation rules once the abstract has been accepted 

Papers should be submitted in Spanish or English. 

The paper should contain a minimum of 5000 words and a maximum of 7500 words. The layout will be as established in the guidelines for submission of originals (see below). 

First page: Title of the paper in the language of the contribution in Spanish or English; Author/s and institution (without initials, full names) not to exceed three authors; institution and e-mail of the corresponding author; abstract and 5 key words in the language presented. 

Tables, figures and bibliographic sources must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines (7th edition). 

The text of the papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (2010 or higher), not in PDF, following the proposed template. 


  • The deadline for submission of abstracts is February 1st , 2024 (extended deadline until february 27th), sent to the following e-mail address:  
  • Notification of results to contributions received: will be done continuously as contributions are received. 
  • Deadline for submission of accepted papers for publication: September 4th, 2024.

Thematic areas 

1. Role-modelling as a strategy for character education. This topic includes the fundamental psycho-pedagogical theories in modeling, moral development and learning through the characters of narratives and artistic works or current educational policies in the selection of teachers. 

2. Pathways and methods of virtue identification and action guidelines. This thematic line includes reflections and contributions on the different types of role models: heroes, saints, sages, geniuses, etc.; problems essential to role-modelling: the follower phenomenon or automatic mimesis or indoctrination. 

3. Emotions related to exemplary models. This thematic line includes approaches and differences between mimetic desire, emulation, inspiration, fanatical adoration, and admiration. Negative emotions (envy, shame and guilt) that also arise before exemplary models. 

4. Theory of moral exemplarity in the debate in contemporary moral philosophy. 

Rules for submission of manuscripts 

APA 7th Edition 

  • Text style Font, line spacing and paragraphs: 

Use Times New Roman font with 12 point size. Use 1.5 line spacing with no leading or trailing spacing between paragraphs. Do not indent the first line of any paragraph. Justify the text only on the left. Paragraphs are distinguished by spacing. 

  • Length: maximum 7500 words